Haiti H2O: Hope to Opportunity

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The Gift of Knowledge

This year, Pastor Celande contacted Haiti H2O about funding six students from his village of Bassin Caiman to attend the University Technic Modern of Haiti for teaching certifications.  When the 3-year program is completed, these students hope to return to the area of Bassin Caiman, to teach in the schools nearby.

Similarly, one young woman is looking forward to her own studies. Haiti H2O is partnering to provide a scholarship for her to pursue a nursing degree at FSIL (Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de l'Université Épiscopale d'Haïti). FSIL is Haiti’s first and highest-ranked baccalaureate program in nursing. Pastor Pharyl asked Haiti H2O to help fund this 4-year degree for this young woman so that she can help with Haiti H2O’s Mobile Medical Clinics, including in his community of Plain Matin where she has family connections.

We are excited to cheer these students on and can’t wait to see the ways they contribute to their communities.