Haiti H2O: Hope to Opportunity

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Prayer for Haiti

Thank you for committing to praying for our partners in Haiti. We hope you find these prompts helpful to guide your prayers to their specific needs.

Prompts for Prayer 

Thanksgiving for the strength & patience of our Haitian partners & for God's presence
The leaders of Haiti for wisdom, integrity, and a heart for their people
The security and humanitarian crisis economic difficulties throughout Haiti
The people of Haiti families, individuals and elderly who struggle to find food and water
The staff and partners of Haiti H2O for wisdom, strength, safety, and God's provision
Strengthen Godly leaders who are working toward establishing justice, righteousness and long-term stability

Collective Prayer for Haiti 

God, author of Creation
Giver of Life: 
We call upon your mercy and compassion now. 
We pray for the people of Haiti.
We pray for the hearts of the world
To be moved with compassion.
We pray for the feet and hands of the world, ourselves included,
To be moved to help. 
Where there has been devastation,
Bring renewal.
Where there is suffering
Bring comfort.
Where there is need
Bring provision. 
The world has great need of the mercy of God
As demonstrated by Christ,
As demonstrated by the global Church
As demonstrated by individuals.
May your spirit alight on that place as never before, 
Bringing life where death has reigned. 
We pray for Haiti
For your kingdom come
Your will be done, 
In Haiti as it is in heaven. Amen 

Closing Prayer 

God of compassion, now let us answer your call and respond to our sister Haiti through steadfast commitment, diligence in prayer, charity in action, and constancy in hope. Her needs are deep and ours is a land of plenty. With open hand and open heart may our prayers be known in the eager generosity of our giving.In your holy name we pray. Amen. 

While fasting with the body, brethren, let us also fast in spirit. Let us loose every bond of iniquity; Let us undo the knots of every contract made by violence; Let us tear up all unjust agreements; Let us give bread to the hungry and welcome to our house the poor who have no roof to cover them, That we may receive great mercy from Christ our God.
~Orthodox Hymn~